Escucho la gota // Dani umpi!
Voy a inaugurar mi sección, hablando de una persona que es la alegría en su máxima expresión. El Sr. Dani umpi [1974]. Una leve introducción a Dani: Licenciado en Comunicación social, cantautor, dramaturgo, escritor y artista plástico uruguayo. Hace poco se estreno la película “Miss Tacuarembó” la cual está basada en un libro de él. A hecho una obra de teatro llamada “nena no robaras” y luego tiene varias nominaciones y premios en lo que respecta a sus libros.
BASTA! Yo acá vengo a hablar de música. Dani Umpi en su haber tiene 2 discos, Perfecto (2006) y Dramática (2009). Perfecto es un disco realmente hermoso con unas letras muy buenas, pasando desde peleas de pareja, salidas, amoríos, fiestas, etc. Es uno de esos discos excelentes, que te sacan una sonrisa y van directamente a “repeat all”. En este disco participan Ale Sergi (m!randa), Sergio Pangaro y Carlos Perciavalle.
En lo que respecta a Dramática, el Dani se junta con Adrian Soiza un guitarrista uruguayo también, para hacer un disco de re versiones de temas clásicos del pop y otros. En este disco encontramos re versiones a bandas y solistas como Pet shop boys, Ace of base, Daniel Toro, The Cardigans, Valeria Lynch, El otro yo, Fun People, etc. Este es un disco tranquilo por así decirlo. Solo guitarras, y la voz de Dani y un que otro coro. Muy buen disco, excelentísima la idea de re versionar a esa gama de artistas. El Dani un zarpado artista realmente.
Temas que no pueden faltarte:
Nueva Generación(perfecto)
Entre mil dudas (dramática)
I will open my section, talking about a person who is the joy at its best. Mr. Dani Umpi [1974]. A light introduction to Dani: Degree insocial communication, songwriter, playwright, writer and artist from Uruguay. Recently premiered the film "Miss Tacuarembó" which isbased on a book about him. A made a play called "baby do notsteal" and then has several nominations and awards in relation to their books.
BASTA! I come here to talk about music. Dani Umpi to his credithas 2 discs, Perfect (2006) and Drama (2009). Perfect is a reallybeautiful album with some very good points, going from fightinggroups, outings, affairs, parties, etc. It's one of those records great,you draw a smile and go directly to "repeat all". On this albuminvolved Ale Sergi (Miranda m!), Sergio and Carlos PerciavallePangaro.
In dramatic terms, the Dani joins Adrian Soiza a Uruguayan guitarist too, to make an album of re versions of classic pop andothers. On this album are re versions with bands and solo artistsas Pet Shop Boys, Ace of base, Daniel Toro, The Cardigans,Valeria Lynch, The Other Me, Fun People, etc. This is a quiet driveso to speak. Solo guitars and the voice of Dani and anotherchorus. Very good album, the idea of re Excellency versions that range of artists. Dani sailed on an artist really.
traducción del español al inglés
I will open my section, talking about a person who is the joy at its best. Mr. Dani Umpi [1974]. A light introduction to Dani: Degree insocial communication, songwriter, playwright, writer and artist from Uruguay. Recently premiered the film "Miss Tacuarembó" which isbased on a book about him. A made a play called "baby do notsteal" and then has several nominations and awards in relation to their books.
BASTA! I come here to talk about music. Dani Umpi to his credithas 2 discs, Perfect (2006) and Drama (2009). Perfect is a reallybeautiful album with some very good points, going from fightinggroups, outings, affairs, parties, etc. It's one of those records great,you draw a smile and go directly to "repeat all". On this albuminvolved Ale Sergi (Miranda m!), Sergio and Carlos PerciavallePangaro.
In dramatic terms, the Dani joins Adrian Soiza a Uruguayan guitarist too, to make an album of re versions of classic pop andothers. On this album are re versions with bands and solo artistsas Pet Shop Boys, Ace of base, Daniel Toro, The Cardigans,Valeria Lynch, The Other Me, Fun People, etc. This is a quiet driveso to speak. Solo guitars and the voice of Dani and anotherchorus. Very good album, the idea of re Excellency versions that range of artists. Dani sailed on an artist really.
En este ciclo vamos a hablar de films que fueron considerados transgresores en su momento, adelantados para la época y que narran realidades que hoy son protagonistas de la sociedad.
Es decir películas atemporales que nunca van a morir.
PEPI, LUCI, BOM Y OTRAS CHICAS DEL MONTON es el primer film realizado por el controversial, Pedro Almodóvar. Presentado en el año 1980 y protagonizado por su actriz fetiche, Carmen Maura, y Alaska, figura transgresora si las hay.
Retrata la vida de un grupo de jóvenes punks a los que les pasan cosas algo "raras". La historia comienza cuando Pepi (Maura) es violada por un policía. Ella jura venganza y junto a sus amigos emprende un plan para poder lograrlo, darle una golpiza a aquel que arruino su negocio perfecto (vender su virgo). Sus amigos buscan al susodicho pero acaban golpeando a su inocente hermano gemelo.
Frustrado el primer ataque, ella no se rinde y decide conocer a la esposa del uniformado. Luci, una mujer sencilla y sumisa que vive a la sombra de su marido, se ve seducida por el grupo de jóvenes al que pertenece Pepi. Entre ellos se encuentra, Bom (Alaska) una integrante del grupo punk "Bomitoni Group" quien conquista el corazón de la convencional Luci.
Finalmente Luci regresa con su marido al encontrar la satisfacción cuando éste la golpea dejándola hospitalizada. Luci descubre que es masoquista, Pepi y Bom deciden mudarse juntas.
A todo esto le sumemos mucha música, alcohol, drogas, fiestas negras, una mujer barbuda, parodias de publicidades con una jovencísima Cecilia Roth, medición de "erecciones" generales, etc. 30 años después de su salida al mundo, esta película parece más que joven.
¿Por qué Pepi Luci Bom y otras chicas del montón no debe morir?
Porque habla de tabúes que hasta hoy el mundo intenta suprimir.
Una realidad aplicable a todas las sociedades, el prejuicio. Nos enseña que debemos ver en profundidad para entender que es probable que esa gente "común" encierre secretos mucho más oscuros que esos "raritos alternativos". Pepi y Bom ejemplifican todos los tabúes de la sociedad y así mismo ellas no entienden el extraño comportamiento de Luci, quien en apariencias es una ama de casa convencional.
En fin, Hagas lo que hagas ponte Bragas, ya lo dijo Almodóvar.
by: ale chuza!
traducción del español al inglés
In this course we will talk about films that were considered transgressors at the time, developed for the time and tell realities that are now players in the society.
That is timeless movies that will never die.
PEPI, LUCI, Bom and Other Girls Like is the first made by the controversial film, Pedro Almodóvar. Introduced in 1980, starring his favorite actress, Carmen Maura, and Alaska, if any transgressive figure.
Portrays the life of a group of young punks to whom things happen something odd. The story begins when Pepi (Maura) is raped by a policeman. She swears revenge and embarks with his friends plan to do, give a beating to anyone who ruined their perfect business (selling virgo). Your friends look to the above but just hitting his innocent twin brother.
Frustrated with the first attack, she gives up and decides to meet the wife of the uniform. Luci, a simple and submissive woman who lives in the shadow of her husband, is seduced by the youth group you belong to Pepi. These include, Bom (Alaska) a member of punk group "Bomitoni Group" who wins the heart of the conventional Luci.
Luci finally returns with her husband to find satisfaction when it hits leaving the hospital. Luci discovers he is a masochist, Pepi and Bom decide to move together.
In all this let us add a lot of music, alcohol, drugs, parties, black, a bearded lady, parodies of ads with a very young Cecilia Roth, measurement of "erections" generals, etc. 30 years after leaving the world, this film seems more than young.
Why Pepi Luci Bom and Other Girls Like Mom should not die?
Because speaking of taboos that even today the world tries to suppress.
A reality applicable to all societies, prejudice. Teaches us more profoundly to understand that it is likely that "ordinary" people much darker secret circle that these "alternative weirdos." Pepi and Bom exemplify all the taboos of society and likewise they do not understand the strange behavior of Luci, who in appearance is a conventional housewife.
Anyway, whatever you do please Panties, and Almodovar said.
That is timeless movies that will never die.
PEPI, LUCI, Bom and Other Girls Like is the first made by the controversial film, Pedro Almodóvar. Introduced in 1980, starring his favorite actress, Carmen Maura, and Alaska, if any transgressive figure.
Portrays the life of a group of young punks to whom things happen something odd. The story begins when Pepi (Maura) is raped by a policeman. She swears revenge and embarks with his friends plan to do, give a beating to anyone who ruined their perfect business (selling virgo). Your friends look to the above but just hitting his innocent twin brother.
Frustrated with the first attack, she gives up and decides to meet the wife of the uniform. Luci, a simple and submissive woman who lives in the shadow of her husband, is seduced by the youth group you belong to Pepi. These include, Bom (Alaska) a member of punk group "Bomitoni Group" who wins the heart of the conventional Luci.
Luci finally returns with her husband to find satisfaction when it hits leaving the hospital. Luci discovers he is a masochist, Pepi and Bom decide to move together.
In all this let us add a lot of music, alcohol, drugs, parties, black, a bearded lady, parodies of ads with a very young Cecilia Roth, measurement of "erections" generals, etc. 30 years after leaving the world, this film seems more than young.
Why Pepi Luci Bom and Other Girls Like Mom should not die?
Because speaking of taboos that even today the world tries to suppress.
A reality applicable to all societies, prejudice. Teaches us more profoundly to understand that it is likely that "ordinary" people much darker secret circle that these "alternative weirdos." Pepi and Bom exemplify all the taboos of society and likewise they do not understand the strange behavior of Luci, who in appearance is a conventional housewife.
Anyway, whatever you do please Panties, and Almodovar said.
by: ale chuza!
SOY // horario de proteccion a (?)
A esa hora en que ciertas soledades despiertan de a una a mis hormonas, abandono la lectura porque mi mente ha comenzado a ocuparse con otras cuestiones. Quizás algo que leí activó los resortes de mi cuerpo y despertó esa sensación, indescriptible pero cierta, que se instala precisamente entre mis piernas. se expande hacia todos los rincones del cuerpo. Hablo de esa excitación tranquila, casi romántica, que pone en juego los mecanismos de la fantasía. Me saco el boxer porque me fascina y me erotiza el roce de las sábanas sobre mi, e incluso dormir sin ninguna interrupción en mi piel. Las manos, acostumbradas al ejercicio, saben que el juego empieza con caricias suaves. Manos memoriosas, al fin de cuentas, recuerdan dónde deslizarse como plumas y cuándo aumentar la presión. Me recorren, me reconocen, me miman, hacen que me abandone a la voluptuosidad del momento y, en el momento oportuno se me van solas a los pechos. Unas caricias por el vientre no vienen nada mal. La paciencia rendirá sus frutos, si resisto la tentación y las dejo juguetear un instante en la cara interna de los muslos. El premio es el placentero manoseo de la entrepierna hasta llegar al centro de ese caldero en ebullición. El centro de mi universo, el núcleo de todo lo que me interesa en este instante Ya henchido de sangre, compacto, espera palpitante que la habilidad de mis dedos lo gratifiquen. Mis fantasías se disparan. Mi pelvis se mueve arriba y abajo con candencia. Junto los muslos y los separo. La intensidad y el ritmo crecen. Cada vez se hace más intenso ese cosquilleo que me arrebata. Cada semi-llegada se corresponde con la cantidad de letras del nombre de la mujer que en ese momento vulnera todo mi libido. Hábiles, los dedos me recorren en forma circular mientras presionan para estimular, frotando con delicadeza para humedecer. Me muevo, gimoteo, intensifico los movimientos, me esmero en darle más vigor. Una lo goza de una manera muy especial, porque sabe que se llega al lugar que se está buscando. Cuando se llega a este punto, se adquiere una vez más la certeza: no hay nadie que pueda darme un placer mas eficiente que yo misma. Una sabe cuándo empieza y en qué momento debe acabar. Ese éxtasis particular resulta incomparable porque está guiado por mi intención, y mi propio ritmo, ése que sólo ella y otras mujeres perspicaces y sensibles acaban por encontrar. Empiezo a relajarme, satisfecha y me abandono a la ensoñación. Quizás, dormite un instante. Pero antes de dormirme, quiero confesar algo: qué es lo que pienso cuando me entrego a mí misma, cuando me doy placer a manos llenas: fantaseo con una mujer, o con muchas. Pero generalmente la que se lleva los premios en esa evocación de deseo carnal, es coincidentemente la que me da su ternura…Entonces claro está, yo tengo relaciones muy intensas con ella, y aun cuando estaba en pareja establecida, la masturbación era un condimento a la pareja ¿Acaso imaginaban que se trataba de carencia? Nada de eso. Sólo ganas. Ni más ni menos. Sencillamente ganas de satisfacerme espontáneamente en un momento no premeditado ni esperado, cuando una circunstancia fortuita, un párrafo de libro, un recuerdo en mi memoria, de una frase dicha en un momento muy sexual. Es en esas ocasiones, cuando no puedo estar con mi pareja, cuando apelo al antiguo y solitario arte de la masturbación. Después, sosegada y satisfecha, cierro los ojos y me duermo.
putitOH! // Salté del closet
Wuau! Carajo Mierda, Tenía que encontrar un titulo, y así fue. Me lo Propuse con principios básicos, Que identifique y por supuesto que te Distinga.
Y el día que salís sos VOS, en realidad siempre fuiste VOS, pero salir es salir. Es sentir que pisas firme en todo momento. Mas alla de los comentarios de la abuela pacata, los padres conservadores, el tío retrógrado y demás, vos sabes ya quien sos.
Pero como nadie sabe que sos gay, vas por la vida diciendo "SOY BISEXUAL" (entiendase me la como un poquito), solo porque pensas que queda más correcto o aceptable que decir "me la COMO ENTERAAAAA”.
En fin, cuando aparece esa persona que casualmente sentía o vivía algo similar a vos, y ahí Comienza “el carnaval”. Reunión de taper si es posible todos los días, Obviamente ya no salís mas con los chicos del barrio, ahora salimos juntos a boliches que tengan nuestra onda. Si! pegamos buen onda, a escondidas yo a vos te digo Chongo y vos a mi me decís nena. Día a día empezas a sentir que sos más vos, porque tu amiga “la chongo” te habla de nenas, de cosas que vos pensabas prohibidas. Como la sociedad te mira raro o al menos eso sentís, estas en el bondi y hablas con señas, te callas si pasa algún conocido, todos creen que sos el macho argentino, y vos por dentro sabes que desde que conociste a tu amiga la chongo, cada día estas siendo más vos.
Charlando con la chongo, sale el tema sobre “quien sabe de tu familia?” Y vos respondes,-con tu mejor cara de poker-, NADIE. Ella te empieza a contar que en su familia saben todos, que ella está tranquila porque se animo y que es FELIZ. Vos solo decís por dentro “que huevos”. Desde esa charla algo en tu cabeza y en tu corazón quedo rodando, porque la chongo pasó de ser tu amiga de aventuras a convertirse en el EJEMPLO, esa SUPERHEROINA TORTITA QUEER.
Un día vos te planteas “yo también quiero ser feliz”, se que lo seria si mi familia me aceptara como lo hicieron con la chongo. entonces empiezan a correr solo en tu cabeza estrategias, hipotesis, queres decirlo pero sentís miedo. Meditas y sentís paz cuando crees que tus viejos te van a entender y te da panico pensar lo contrario. entonces llega el dia.
"Papa , mama, tengo que hablar con ustedes" Papa con cara de Incertidumbre , Mama con los Ojos abiertos como si estuviese viendo el fantasma de Michael Jackson, y vos con el culo fruncido contas 1…2…3 SOY GAY! Por dentro tocaste el cielo, eran esas las palabras que con solo decirlas Ganabas el imbatible de Susana. Mama con los Ojos llenos de lagrimas te dice YA LO SABIA, (sentís alivio) y Papa Solo te observa y respirando hondo te dice “Te amo y te respeto”, y ese día decís “CHONGO entiendo lo que vos me decías” asi como te admiraba y te admiro a VOS, hoy tambien me admiro a mi, simplemente porque tuve los huevos de decirle al mundo quien soy yo. Y asi fue, me la Jugue.
I jumped out of the Closet!
Whoa! Fuck Shit, I had to find a title, and it was. I suggested it to me with basic principles, which identifies and of course makes you unique.And the day is you go out, YOU were always really, but out is out.You feel that you stand firm at all times. Beyond the comments of the grandmother prudish, conservative parents, uncle and other backward, you know and who you are.But since nobody knows you're gay, you go through life saying "I'm bisexual" (read me a little), just because you think it is more correct or acceptable to say "me AS WHOLE."Finally, when that person appears casually felt or experienced something similar to you, and that begins "Carnival." Meeting taper if possible every day, but obviously no longer go out with neighborhood kids, now we go bowling together with our wavelength. Yes! cool paste, secretly I you say you Chongo and you tell me my baby. Every day you start to feel that you're more, because your friend "the bun" you talk about girls, things that you thought prohibited. As society looks at you funny or at least I feel, are in the bondi and talk in sign language, you shut up if you pass someone you know, everyone thinks that you are the male Argentine, and inside you know that since you met your friend the bun Every day you're being over.Chatting with the bun, leaving the topic of "who knows your family?" And you respond, "with your best poker face," NO. She starts to tell you that your family knows all, she is quiet because encouragement and that is HAPPY. You just say inside "to eggs."Since that conversation something in your head and your heart is shooting, because the bun went from being your friend's adventure to become the example, this Superheroine CAKES QUEER.One day you are thinking of you "I want to be happy," is that if my family would accept me as they did with the bun. then start to run only in your head strategies, hypotheses, we want to say but you feel fear. Meditate and feel peace when your old you think you will understand and give you panic thinking otherwise. Then came the day."Papa, mama, I have to talk to you" Papa to face uncertainty, Mama with open eyes as if seeing the ghost of Michael Jackson, and you in your ass pucker count 1 ... 2 ... 3 AM GAY! Inside touched the sky, were those words that just say them were earning the Susana unbeatable. Mama's eyes filled with tears I knew it tells you (feel relief) and Papa just watching you breathing deeply and says "I love you and respect you, and that day say" Chong understand what you told me "as well as I admired and admire you for YOU, today I also admire me, simply because I had the eggs to tell the world who I am. And so it was, I played it.
I jumped out of the Closet!
Whoa! Fuck Shit, I had to find a title, and it was. I suggested it to me with basic principles, which identifies and of course makes you unique.And the day is you go out, YOU were always really, but out is out.You feel that you stand firm at all times. Beyond the comments of the grandmother prudish, conservative parents, uncle and other backward, you know and who you are.But since nobody knows you're gay, you go through life saying "I'm bisexual" (read me a little), just because you think it is more correct or acceptable to say "me AS WHOLE."Finally, when that person appears casually felt or experienced something similar to you, and that begins "Carnival." Meeting taper if possible every day, but obviously no longer go out with neighborhood kids, now we go bowling together with our wavelength. Yes! cool paste, secretly I you say you Chongo and you tell me my baby. Every day you start to feel that you're more, because your friend "the bun" you talk about girls, things that you thought prohibited. As society looks at you funny or at least I feel, are in the bondi and talk in sign language, you shut up if you pass someone you know, everyone thinks that you are the male Argentine, and inside you know that since you met your friend the bun Every day you're being over.Chatting with the bun, leaving the topic of "who knows your family?" And you respond, "with your best poker face," NO. She starts to tell you that your family knows all, she is quiet because encouragement and that is HAPPY. You just say inside "to eggs."Since that conversation something in your head and your heart is shooting, because the bun went from being your friend's adventure to become the example, this Superheroine CAKES QUEER.One day you are thinking of you "I want to be happy," is that if my family would accept me as they did with the bun. then start to run only in your head strategies, hypotheses, we want to say but you feel fear. Meditate and feel peace when your old you think you will understand and give you panic thinking otherwise. Then came the day."Papa, mama, I have to talk to you" Papa to face uncertainty, Mama with open eyes as if seeing the ghost of Michael Jackson, and you in your ass pucker count 1 ... 2 ... 3 AM GAY! Inside touched the sky, were those words that just say them were earning the Susana unbeatable. Mama's eyes filled with tears I knew it tells you (feel relief) and Papa just watching you breathing deeply and says "I love you and respect you, and that day say" Chong understand what you told me "as well as I admired and admire you for YOU, today I also admire me, simply because I had the eggs to tell the world who I am. And so it was, I played it.
artista cordobesa.
En el Museo de la Memoria Histórica de Córdoba nos encontramos con un gran mural suyo que rompía con el drama que encierra el lugar, está dedicado a los desaparecidos de la dictadura militar. Y unos días después, paseando por el mercado de las pulgas encotramos una tienda repleta de sus cuadros y sus cosas, Circo Negro, y resultó que la tienda era suya y ella estaba allí; sin poder resistirnos, decidimos mostrarla.
"Siempre me ha atraído la gente, y sobre todo la mujer. Y los ojos grandes - mirar a los ojos, "dice, señalando hacia su ojos marrones en forma de almendra, los iris tan oscuros que es difícil distinguir los límites y dónde comienzan las pupilas. "En mi familia somos siete mujeres, y todos se ven así."
Cada objeto es un hecho a mano original, y todavía Troisi hace todo el trabajo de diseño sí misma. Dibujo a lápiz directamente sobre las superficies de los objetos, acrilicos, lienzos y pinceles por doquier. en fin, todo un Circo.-
Florencia Troisi.
Cordoba artist.
At the Museum of Historical Memory of Cordoba we came across a large mural of his who broke with the drama that contains the siteis dedicated to the missing of the military dictatorship. A few dayslater, walking through the flea market encotramos a store full of hispictures and things, Black Circus, and it turned out that the storewas hers and she was there, unable to resist, we decided to show it.
"I've always attracted people, especially women. And the big eyes- eye contact,"he says, pointing to his eyes almond-shaped brown,so dark irises that are difficult to distinguish the boundaries andwhere to start pupils. "In my family we are seven women, and all are well."
Each object is a handmade original and Troisi still does all the design work itself. Pencil drawing directly on the surfaces of objects, acrylics, canvases and brushes everywhere. in short,everything a circus .-
Cordoba artist.
At the Museum of Historical Memory of Cordoba we came across a large mural of his who broke with the drama that contains the siteis dedicated to the missing of the military dictatorship. A few dayslater, walking through the flea market encotramos a store full of hispictures and things, Black Circus, and it turned out that the storewas hers and she was there, unable to resist, we decided to show it.
"I've always attracted people, especially women. And the big eyes- eye contact,"he says, pointing to his eyes almond-shaped brown,so dark irises that are difficult to distinguish the boundaries andwhere to start pupils. "In my family we are seven women, and all are well."
Each object is a handmade original and Troisi still does all the design work itself. Pencil drawing directly on the surfaces of objects, acrylics, canvases and brushes everywhere. in short,everything a circus .-
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